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Count Potocki of Montalk - Ode to the Democratic Muse - First Edition

Regular price £45.00
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VARIOUS, [MONTALK, Count Potocki of (1903-1997), BOBOWSKI, Comrade, JOHNSON, Geoffrey, MAURRAS, Charles, SAVAGE, D. S.].

Ode to the Democratic Muse.

London: The Right Review, undated [circa 1939].

FIRST EDITION. Octavo (24 x 15cm), unpaginated [12]. Publisher's paper wraps, unbound. Undated but circa 1939.

Paper toned, light wear.A scarce survival of an ephemeral item. Very good.

A collection of poems printed by Montalk's ultra conservative Right Review containing: Ode to the Democratic Muse by Comrade (ci-devant Prince) Bobowski, To a Neglected Artist by Geoffrey Johnson, Colloquy of the Dead by Charles Maurras (translated by Montalk), and Confession by D. S. Savage.